Monday, January 27, 2014

Two down, on to the next one.

My post from this past September described a piece I was working on; it was to be 15 feet tall and able to break down to fit on a trailer which I could pull with my Ford Ranger.

Well, the piece is done.  I've given it two names: "An ode to architectural form" and "Untitled Movement #1."  I feel like it's in a perpetual state of falling. I also completed another piece I consider related to this one, but I'll get to that later.  First, I'll post some more of the process and finish shots of My largest piece I've made so far in my sculpting career.



Sunday, January 26, 2014

An update to update the lack of updates.

At the beginning of this blog writing endeavor I thought I could keep up with the trend of writing or posting process photos at least once a month; maybe I've become a little lazy. Even at this time I am sitting lazily on my couch watching Law and Order: SVU. It seems that there are other things that tend to take precedence over writing a blog. I can't seem to turn off the tube, I have to head to work, I'm tired, all excuses I use to not get on here and write/update.

Well, I think that counts as an apology to myself and anyone else who might care about me not keeping up with this.  On to business.