Sunday, February 24, 2013

ECU Iron pouring fun

So, rainy weather got in the way of the East Carolina University iron pour yesterday and we had to cancel. Today, on the other hand, was beautiful and the pour ran quite smoothly.  My molds (seen in previous posts) poured quite well taking a ladle and a half of the great molten iron goodness.  I had to make a few small adjustments as I didn't place my secondary pour spout in the best location.  I had both pour spouts in  similar locations and going in to the lowest levels of the mold.  After pouring in the first mold with one tap then another after a usual tap time (7 mins today) there was a freeze up.  Luckily veteren Carl Billingsley was there to save the day back pouring into one of my vents; a full pot into a 3/8 inch vent.  Thank you Carl.  After that we realized we just needed to bot the slag hole and it was smooth sailing with consecutive ladles. Pictures ought to be up by tomorrow.

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